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Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Rumford Free Press is pleased to announce our new forum: The River Valley Free Press.

All of us here that have been involved with the start up of the Rumford Free Press are extremely pleased with its success. The RFP came online on May 21st, submitting 42 posts and receiving hundreds of comments during that time. We only been counting the traffic on the site since June 7th and have received close to 4,000 hits just during that time. Despite our success, there are some issues and limitations with the site.

One of the primary reasons that we created the RFP was to give members of the community a place to voice their opinions and communicate with each other. After awhile it gets kind of confusing to follow new comments on older posts, limiting communication. Readers of our site also have difficulty starting their own topics of discussion. We also believe that it’s pretty limiting to think that Rumford is the only part of our community that could benefit from open communication. We would like to include everyone in the River Valley Community.

So, to enhance communication, the RFP is pleased to announce our new forum, the River Valley Free Press. At this site, residents can start their own threads and have ongoing dialog with each other on any topic that they are interested in, from exchanging recipes to politics.

You don’t have to register to read what is on the site. If you want to post your own topics or respond to others, you will have to register and be signed in. The reason for requiring registration is to provide a way to discourage those who would post "destructively" as some did on the Open Doar. It allows for easier moderation. It also offers continuity for people reading comments posted by others.

We do not track your identity and we don't collect any personal information other than a valid e-mail address. Feel free to register under a user name or nick name. We can see who your Internet provider is but not who you are or where you live.

The rules regarding posting information on the forum is posted on the site. We ask that people use the forum responsibly and although we can feel free to disagree with each other, we ask that everyone treat others with respect.

So, with these guidelines in mind, we hope you enjoy the River Valley Free Press.

Thank you C for your contribution to this post and all of your work on the Forum.


C said...

I'm excited about this new format which should be much more user friendly. Give it a try!

Anonymous said...

Why is this blog being used through the Towns WiFII system

Rumford Free Press said...

Who knows, maybe Len Greaney is reading it.

T said...

"Why is this blog being used through the Towns WiFII system."

How do you know this is happening?

Rumford Free Press said...

T, that's a good question. We operate this website and we have never seen any information like that. Perhaps it's just more inaccurate information.

C said...

"Why is this blog being used through the Towns WiFII system"

anonymous- can you clarify this? I don't think we understand what you're asking.